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Steve Jobs was the founder, chairman, and Chief executive officer of Apple Inc


Steve Jobs was the founder, chairman, and Chief executive officer of Apple Inc (Schlender & Tetzeli, 2015). He was not only successful in founding Apple Inc., but he was also able to steer different companies such as Pixar into success. Steve Jobs was hardworking, adaptive and visionary. While at Apple, Steve worked very hard, in order to see his company being able to achieve its goals. He was very successful, since he was able to grow Apple through hardworking, into becoming one of the best performing companies in the world. He was also a board member of Walt Disney Company, and this made him to adapt to different working conditions. Steve worked very hard at Apple Inc., in order to see the company advancing, through the visions that he had for the company. On the other hand, Steve was known to be very impatient, and would consequently lay off the employees who were slow in executing different tasks.  

Steve Jobs was a confident, adaptable leader, who acted with urgency. This consequently made to be able to grow a company which would be among the top performing companies in the world. He executed his own tasks confidently, and would consequently adapt to the new working conditions, in order to suit the needs of the company (Schlender & Tetzeli, 2015). In addition, he was known as a leader who worked with urgency, and would never wait for the right time to come. While at Apple Inc., Steve implemented new strategies according to the changes in market, and not according to the company’s goals. This consequently enabled him to be able to maintain the top performance, since he was able to deal with new situations as they came.

As a leader, Steve was determined to make sure that he impacted his customers positively, hence attracting more customers (Schlender & Tetzeli, 2015). In addition, he was also focused in making sure that he maintained a good relationship with the society, through providing products which were user friendly. Furthermore, as a determined leader, he was able to grow a company which no one could ever think of, into an international company. As a hardworking leader, Steve impacts most people in different ways, which include motivating people to stay focused, determined and be hardworking, in order to achieve success.


Schlender, B., & Tetzeli, R. (2015). Becoming Steve Jobs: The evolution of a reckless upstart into a visionary leader.





404 Words  1 Pages
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