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The role of the human resource

The Role of HR

            According to CEO Grossman, it is the role of the human resource to always engage with employees. For instance, on the first day of work, employees have to attend an orientation as organized by the human resource manager and this is one way of engaging with employees. Still on engaging with employees, the human resource can eat together with the employees; this helps so much to read the character of an employee (Mindy, 2014). It is also important for the human resource personnel, to assess employees earlier so as to avoid casting blame on each other later. After assessing the employees, the HR is able to identify the toxic employees and get rid of them instantaneously because it is always dangerous to work with such employees; they are the ones who lead to the downfall of the company. It is also the role of the HR to ensure, there is proper customer service regardless of what will cost the company. This helps the company to always focus on the needs of the customers and how those needs can effectively be met (Mindy, 2014). Therefore, any HR should always listen to the customers and devise ways to meet the exact needs of the customers (Mindy, 2014). The HR must always be flexible, for instance, he or she should be always prepared to adjust quickly if one management strategy has failed. In this case, the HR must always be familiar with the various management strategies and provide the suitable one for the company at that particular time. The other role of the HR is to provide clarity to the employees. After setting goals, it is always important to give directions on how to achieve given set goals.


Mindy, Grossman. (2014). Culture Trumps Strategy.


299 Words  1 Pages
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