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Skills in leading generational diversity assist leaders to unite groups of people with different experiences, values and work attitude towards a common goal.  Leading global diversity requires training on various challenges arising from them and how to be flexible in uniting people to turn their differences into gainful experience.  In a constantly changing environment, leaders should acquire skills on how to improve performance through innovation. Innovation will be achieved if leaders are able to effectively manage knowledge and use if for financial gain.

Leading generational diversity

After undergoing through the training program, the participants are expected to demonstrate the ability to:

  • Communicate effectively with others
  • Build an effective team
  • Mentor others in leadership skills
  • Delegate various tasks among different people

The training program on this issue should instill the ability to integrate the various generations by embracing radical changes involving recruitment, benefits and creation of a corporate culture that upholds inclusion and respect for every generation into the workforce (American Management Association, n.d).  The set of skills to include in the training program involves the ability to build teamwork, communicate effectively, mentor others and effectively delegate tasks.   Communication helps in conducting sessions for generation information sharing to help individuals work together while educating one another. Working together is only possible where an effective teamwork through and which allows for mentorship (The Center for Leadership Studies, 2013). Delegation of tasks is necessary to cater for the abilities and skills of people across generations.


Leading global diversity

After undertaking the training program, the participants will be able to:

  • Tailor a flexible work initiative
  • Adapt to varying situations
  • Cultivate flexible workplace culture across board
  • Develop a policy that promotes inclusivity at the work place

Leading global teams involves solving various challenges arising from different functional backgrounds and countries which may lead to deterioration of communication and distrust due to misunderstanding (Maddux &Galinsky, 2011). The training program should help the participants to acquire the ability to prevent such vicious diversity from happening and helping the diverse team to produce remarkable performance. The participants should have the ability to create collaboration in the diverse teams, so that to reduce any misunderstanding and power struggle and ensure good productivity. These team members must be flexible enough to embrace others. The participants should be able to tailor a flexible work initiative, ability to adapt to varying situations, ability to cultivate a flexible workplace culture and ability to develop a workplace policy that promotes inclusivity.

Leading innovation

After undertaking the training program, the participants should be able to:

  • Understand the basics of innovative thinking
  • Cultivate an innovative culture
  • Develop organizational practices that support innovation
  • Develop a formal innovation plan aimed at achieving the set goal


Since innovation is inherently unpredictable it may lead to more less success and more failure. To handle the innovation issues, leaders should be able to use innovation in enhancing competitive advantage while minimizing risks to the present market advantage. They must learn how organizations with systematic innovations should be managed, leading teams through the innovation process and implementation of the innovation process in the organization. The leaders should posses the ability to improve flexibility and adaptability levels and to eliminate ambiguities and variations in the organization (Doss, 2014).  The participants in the training program will acquire the ability to understand the basics of innovative thinking cultivate an innovative culture, develop organizational practices that support innovation and develop a formal innovation plan aimed at achieving the set goal.  Understanding innovation principles involves recognizing the need for innovation and the problem that is to be solved. Cultivating an innovative culture involves analyzing culture assumptions and identifying what part of the culture to support and what should be changed.  Organizational practices should make the innovation process easier and even adjusting to some particular rules (Legrand &Weiss, 2011).   


Leading knowledge

At the end of the training program, the participants should be able to:

  • Recognize value of knowledge,
  • Develop a strategy of discovering gathering and sharing knowledge
  • Use information technology in knowledge management

The training program will impart knowledge management skills to the participants, since these skills are important in leading people to use knowledge for success in the organization.   Knowledge management is important to a firm because it facilitates the ability to make decision, builds organizational learning culture and stimulates a change in culture and hence, innovation (Quast, 2012).  Training is an important aspect of spreading important knowledge and best practice across the whole organization.  The participants in the training program will learn the ability to recognize value of knowledge, develop a strategy of discovering, gathering and sharing knowledge and use information technology in knowledge management.  Recognizing the knowledge value involve ways of exploiting it for financial gain.  Knowledge management strategy requires involving everybody and turning the knowledge into financial gain.  Use of information technology provides tools necessary in gaining and making the most effective use of knowledge (Info Entrepreneurs, n.d).


Leading generational diversity requires leaders to communicate effectively, build teamwork, and mentor others in leadership and delegation of tasks to relevant people. Leading global diversity requires leaders with skills of solving challenges arising and averting risks. Innovations require effective knowledge management so that innovative ideas aimed at achieving the desired goals. 


The Center for Leadership Studies,(2013).Leading Generational Diversity. Retrieved from:

American Management Association, (n.d).Leading the Four Generations at Work. Retrieved from:

Maddux, W., Galinsky,A.D(2011). Multicultural Experiences: Making the World Creative, Innovative...and Flat. Retrieved from:


Legrand, C., Weiss, D., (2011).  How leaders can close the innovation gap. Retrieved from: Doss, H, (2014).How to Lead a Culture of Innovation. Retrieved from: Info Entrepreneurs, (n.d).Importance of knowledge to a growing business. Retrieved from: Quast, L., (2012).Why Knowledge Management Is Important To The Success Of Your Company. Retrieved from:



988 Words  3 Pages
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