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Coffee Shop


Coffee Shop



    The coffee shop is one of the most vibrant businesses in the world today. It offers excellent returns and profit margins. My coffee shops are based on sales of both coffee drinks and its substitutes. Also we, sell snacks so that we gather customers who have not been captured by our products. We usually rent outlets in big malls, supermarkets and insides schools cafeterias. We have hired highly qualified staff so that we can deliver highly efficient and effective services. We also offer outside catering services for weddings, graduations and other dignified ceremonies.

    Auto sum function usually save time because one does not have to key in every digit to add with another one so that to get summation. The only thing one has to do is calculate the first one and then drag the answer to the rest of the column. It also minimizes the degree and risk of error. These make the work more accurate and meaningful. The auto format does the job to have uniformity with other organization. These make it easier for stakeholders to interpret it when need be. It also simplifies the task of the preparer, therefore, making him produce a more quality report. The average formula gives us the average performance of the business each month and the cumulative one. These will help the potential investors to weigh how the company performs before they inject their cash. Percentage sale margin is a function that will show the investors or lenders how the revenues have been playing in the market. It will also help them to know the viability of the business whether it is a going concern. Password function will ensure that our work is encrypted and protected from any intruder who may access it without our consent.


297 Words  1 Pages
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