Questions we Can Help you to Answer
Paper Instructions:
PERSONAL CASE ANALYSIS: Evaluating Organization Effectiveness
Focus on a specific critical incident that you have been involved in a group or organization (at
work, as part of a club or sports team, volunteer organization, as a student at Bentley) that has
involved organization effectiveness. Briefly describe the incident, providing sufficient background material to clarify the situation as necessary, the nature of the challenge, and how the organization handled it.
Using relevant course concepts discussed throughout the course critically analyze probe and assess:
1. What was done well?
2. What could have been done better (or differently?)
3. The ramifications of this experience for your understanding of management process.
Be sure to support your analysis and conclusions through an explicit use/application of relevant
course material.
The final paper is meant to stimulate your thinking about both the conceptual and pragmatic/
applied aspects of course concepts. Your paper should be word-processed, double-spaced, and
approximately 5 pages in length