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INS wants you to provide ideas as to the manner in which a researcher could conduct a vaild study in the United States related to immigrants' fear of crime and lack of confidence in their local police department (Kaplan Assignment unit 4-Research Methodol

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Paper Instructions:

In your capacity as a criminologist, you have been asked by the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) to perform a study on illegal immigrants.

INS wants you to provide ideas as to the manner in which a researcher could conduct a vaild study in the United States related to immigrants' fear of crime and lack of confidence in their local police department (Kaplan Assignment unit 4-Research Methodology). The paper is to develope a study that would have a valid sample size.

1.Idenitify probability and non-probability sampling designs, providing examples for each
2. Analyze these methods, distinguishing which approach( or approaches) and design(or designs) would be appropriate for this particular study
3. Develop a sampling strategy, discussing where to conduct the study to maximize the chances of obtaining a representative sample of illegal immigrants
4. Discuss how the sample would be selected to ensure enough participants to produce reliable data.

163 Words  1 Pages
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