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Explain the operational goals of NIMS

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Review three selected articles. The articles range in information to deepen the students understanding of approaches and engagement techniques of incidents either planned or unplanned.

The student written assignment will include the following:

Review the National Response Framework (see link provided.) What are operational goals?
NIMS Review: Explain the operational goals of NIMS.(See link)
What is the importance of an organized and managed response of insurance providers and their agents, what do they contribute to the recovery effort? 
What is the value of Business Continuity Plans and Business Continuity Management.
Explain the differences in a coordinated government, private, local response to an emergency and a singular local response to an incident.
Explain Resilience and why it assists in preparing and managing continuity and recover.
What is the importance of building partnership in the management and recovery of a crisis.

Links to review:

161 Words  1 Pages
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