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Al-Haddad & Kotnour (2015) describes the change models of Kotter and Lewin. In an essay, compare and contrast these change models or any other early research that focuses on individual behaviors and resistance to change.

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Paper Instructions:

Al-Haddad & Kotnour (2015) describes the change models of Kotter and Lewin. In an essay, compare and contrast these change models or any other early research that focuses on individual behaviors and resistance to change.
1. Explain each step of the change model.
2. Compare and contrast each modelof change.
3. Explain the impact of eachmodel on implementing change and resistance to change.

Your essay should be three pages in length, not including the title page orreference page. Cite at least one scholarly article from the CSU Online Library (not including the referenced case study article). You must accompany all referenced, paraphrased, and quoted material and sources used within-text citations in the proper APA format.

126 Words  1 Pages
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