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In this paper you are expected to critically analyze this event and discuss its potential impact on globalization and world trade.

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Paper Instructions:

China-U.S. Trade War

Write a 6-page paper on the trade war between China and the U.S.”. In this paper you are expected to critically analyze this event and discuss its potential impact on globalization and world trade.

This paper must be in APA format with appropriate quotes and references. Include a cover page and a Reference page, neither of which counts toward the 6 pages. The format for this paper and relative weighting towards the assignment grade is as follows:

Review of Situation (15%)
Analysis (25%)
Potential Impact (25%)
Conclusions (20%)

It is highly recommended that you organize your paper according to these topics. Writing and following APA formatting will contribute to 15% of the grade.

130 Words  1 Pages
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