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Discuss three ways that strategic reporting, i.e. management’s commentary of strategy and business model adds to the content of the annual reports

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Paper Instructions:

To Answer the Question: Discuss three ways that strategic reporting, i.e. management’s commentary of strategy and business model adds to the content of the annual reports.

Helpful instruction: The question is about strategic reporting and your role is to discuss at least 3 ways in which strategic reporting on annual reports adds value to the information in financial statements.
Putting it in plain terms, why can't stakeholders of an ogranisation just rely on the numbers of the financial statements? What is it in strategic reports that is useful for stakeholders' decisions that is not already found in financial statements? You have to keep the decision context in mind. For example for shareholders the underlying decision is investment decision (buy, hold, sell), for employees it is stability, retention, recognition and satisfaction, for governemnt it is societal benefits and taxation. So it may help if your discussion focuses on one stakeholder group

162 Words  1 Pages
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