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the value of mastering cultural norms and fitting into the professional culture.

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Paper Instructions:

This discussion is best suited for those planning to work in a business organization.  The NY Times article Beyond the Business Suit

by David Bornstein explains the value of mastering cultural norms and fitting into the professional culture.  Please read the article and the excellent collection of posted comments, to see how various business professionals feel about cultural awareness as an interpersonal skill.

You should review what your classmates have already posted on this topic so that you don't repeat what has already been said. Then click on the Reply link immediately below this instruction box to provide your original answer to the following questions. Usually, a paragraph per question is sufficient:

1. Based on what you read, do you believe that fitting in with business culture is appropriate for professionals, or do you think that business culture is intolerant of diversity?  Please explain your response. 

2. Regardless of your response to question 1, put yourself in the position of a hiring manager.  Identify one business advantage of ensuring that the person you hire behaves in a "business-like" manner.  (Please do not repeat the same advantage as someone who posted before you.)

3. The article emphasizes patterns of speech.  Provide another example of a behavior that might offend business culture.  Please explain how your example might negatively impact a business.

238 Words  1 Pages
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