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Intercultural communications

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

Must be written in good, simple english with concise ideas!!

Use the 4 power points attached as reference, academic articles or peer reviewed sources are allowed. Developing Intercultural Competence

Go over the different viewpoints and themes presented during this course. Concentrate especially on the idea of intercultural competence. Discuss the following themes as critically as possible.

A) To what extent can intercultural competence be learned?

B) In your opinion, what kind of methods should prove the most efficient when trying to improve one's intercultural competence?

C) Looking back at your schooling and studies, choose one example of a course or an experience that, in your opinion, has had a strong (positive or negative) influence in the development of your own intercultural competence or intercultural sensitivity.

Remember to ground your argumentation to the course material where appropriate. You can also introduce other sources when doing this assignment. 

155 Words  1 Pages
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