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. Explain the differences between I-messages and you-messages. Provide an example of each.

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

This is a CONFLICT of MANAGEMENT course. 
This assignment will consist of 4 parts.  Please keep questions in order and answer all questions with 75 plus words each along with citing your references per each section.  There is an upload for Part C question.  

          Part A
1.    Explain the differences between I-messages and you-messages. Provide an example of each.
2.    Describe the benefits gained from rehearsing prior to engaging in a real negotiation. 
3.    Additionally, explain at least two differences between a conversation and a sell job.

Part B

Discussion Forum - Building Collaborative Skills- Part 1
Pick 2 of the following 3 questions to answer;

1. Give an example of an empathic response to demonstrate you are “listening for feelings”. 
2.  Describe the brainstorming process and ground rules for effective brainstorming.
3.  Give examples of questions you might ask to test options before committing to a solution.

Negotiating Challenges- Part 2
1.    Describe the distinction between process and content issues in negotiation.  Which elements are process elements?  Which are content elements?

            Part C

Challenges of Integrative Negotiations- Part 1
1. Summarize two major points in the article-integrative negotiations.

Common Barriers to Negotiations- Part 2
Pick 1 of 2 questions to answer;
1. Describe at least three common causes of impasse and strategies for responding to them
2. Describe how to strengthen your bargaining position when faced with resistance

Part D

Discussion Forum:  The Challenge of Consensus- Part 1
1.Describe the distinctions between mediation in workplace vs. more formal settings

2.Identify situations for which mediation is appropriate/inappropriate

3.Give examples of ground rules

274 Words  1 Pages
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