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The Concepts of Discrimination in Hiring and Affirmative Action

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Paper Instructions:

M2D1: The Concepts of Discrimination in Hiring and Affirmative Action

For this assignment, you will be addressing affirmative action in organizations, specifically ways affirmative action is expressed in the hiring phase of the employer-employee relationship.
Please read all the assignment materials, view the videos, perform outside research on these topics, and answer the following questions:
1.Please explain the policy of Affirmative Action and whether it requires companies to hire people from different backgrounds.
2.Does it seem wise or ethical to fight discrimination in hiring with another form of discrimination in hiring? Explain your answer
3.Do you feel Affirmative Action goes too far or not far enough? Explain your reasoning.
4.Please also provide an example of discrimination in hiring (personal account or a case online) and discuss the legal implications and the ethics of the example presented.

149 Words  1 Pages
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