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This essay is based on the notion of interrelatedness of the Demand Curve and Advertising/PR/Publicity. Discuss the following:

Questions We Can Help to Answer

1.    This essay is based on the notion of interrelatedness of the Demand Curve and Advertising/PR/Publicity. Discuss the following:

a.    How does Promotion contribute to the establishment of the Demand Curve?
b.    How does Promotion contribute to the changes in Price Elasticity of Demand
c.    How does Promotion help to address Seasonality in Demand?

2.    What are the basic methods of establishment of the advertising budget? What is GRP and what are the basic pattern of allocation (scheduling) of GRP over time.

3.    Discuss the role integrated marketing communications plays in relationship marketing. How might the mass customization of advertising and other forms of marketing communication be possible

4.    What is meant by the concept of integrated marketing communications? How might a firm that is using integrated marketing communications differ from one that looks at advertising and promotion in a more traditional way?

150 Words  1 Pages
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