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What seems to be the main source of conflict between supervisors, employees, and the HR department?

Questions We Can Help to Answer

Each thread and each reply must include at least 2 scholarly sources (published within the last 5 years) in addition to the course textbook and relevant biblical integration. All citations and references must be in current APA format.

1. What seems to be the main source of conflict between supervisors, employees, and the HR department?

2. Do you believe that managers should be given more autonomy to make personnel decisions such as hiring, appraising, and compensating subordinates, or do you believe that managers should be given less autonomy to make such decisions? Explain and substantiate your reasoning.

3. Why would employers want to fire employees whose dependents are having serious health problems? What do you think would be the reaction of employees with healthy dependents who suspect this might be happening? Explain.

4. In a world that is quick to state discrimination has taken place, there is a new discrimination emerging (i.e., reverse discrimination). Is this form of discrimination really discrimination? What diversity practices would you put in place to prevent any kind of discrimination?

183 Words  1 Pages
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