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Brand Growth Assessment

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Paper Instructions;

Read the instructions and answer all parts below, Label each question in the paper. Answers must be specific. Use a minimum of 6 resources 

Brand is: IKEA

Brand Growth Assessment
The third component of the brand audit involves assessing the brand’s growth potential and providing recommendations. Address the following questions:
a. Describe your brand’s architecture strategy using the three-step process from Chapter 11 of Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity.

b. What is good and bad about its brand architecture? Why?

c. Discuss the roles of brands in the brand portfolio.7 Focus on your selected brand and other brands in the portfolio deemed relevant to your brand. Roles of brands in a brand portfolio are discussed in Chapter 11 of Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity.

d. How well has your brand been expanded into new markets, product categories, and/or channels? Explain your answer with sound supporting rationale.

e. How would you judge your brand’s growth strategy? Explain your answer with sound supporting rationale.

f. What should the management of your brand do to sustain, grow, and/or effectively leverage the brand’s equity? Make three specific actionable recommendations. Your specific recommendations regarding future courses of action must be supported by your analysis and assessment of your brand’s brand planning, brand building, and brand growth.

230 Words  1 Pages
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