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You are to provide a research paper that provides a summary of the three top trends in your industry (with associated NAICS codes)

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Paper Instructions;
Review your task. You are to provide a research paper that provides a summary of the three top trends in your industry (with associated NAICS codes). Supply sufficient background for your reader that the trend is clear and supported by resources you have found. Review resources in References and Citations to ensure that you are using “in text” citations to give credit for the ideas of other authors and to build your credibility as a researcher, neither ignoring sources nor quoting excessively.

You will develop a paper that accomplishes two objectives:

It will identify the three top trends in your industry and your rationale, based on the resources you have found, for your choices;
It will discuss the issue within one of the trends that you deem important, based on the current state of the industry, and will be supported by your analysis of facts and a well-reasoned conclusion of what it means to the industry.

Start with an outline and flesh out the main themes with supporting statements. This will become your roadmap to an organized paper. Draft, sleep on it, and edit. Repeat.

Your paper will be 5-7 pages, not including your cover page and References page(s), double-spaced and set up in APA standards. It does not require an abstract.

Your citations, both “in text” and in References will be in accordance with the APA Style Manual Sixth Edition .

Your headings will follow this general pattern:

Top Trends of the _____ Industry
An Important Emerging Issue in a trend and what it means in context to the industry

274 Words  1 Pages
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