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Strategic Human Resources Functions Matrix

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

Complete the Strategic Human Resources Functions Matrix by selecting three activities from this list of functions that HR usually manages in organizations:

Talent acquisition and development
Employee/labor relations
Total reward systems
Organizational development/effectiveness
Workforce planning

List the name of the function in the first column. In the second column, define/describe the function in no more than two to three sentences using a scholarly source such as the text or a journal article. In the third column, search a few global organization websites, and provide one strategy a global organization has relating to each function you selected. Finally, in the fourth column, explain the rationale for the strategy.  If the website doesn't include a rationale, suggest the business reason(s) for the organization to have adopted the strategy.

Please submit the matrix and the 350-word paper in ONE document.  Place the intext citations in the matrix and paper when necessary.  Compose ONE reference list at the end of the submission with the combined references from the matrix and brief paper in alphabetical order.

Format references in APA style after the summary.
Cite a minimum of THREE scholarly sources.

194 Words  1 Pages
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