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What is the public problem in society that you want to understand?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer 

Problem/Policy Proposal  

This assignment has to be three parts, for now, I want you to do just the proposal. after I get the approved of the proposal from the professor I will placed another order to complete the second part of the assignment

Assignments 3 - 5 Introduction
In order to understand public policies, one needs to first review the problem in society that led to the policy being developed. Assignments 3 and 4 are connected in that you will be analyzing the problem first in assignment 3 and then the related policy in assignment 4. You must turn in a proposal for the problem and policy. This proposal must be approved by me for you to begin the research. This assignment is worth 5 points if completed as requested here.  Points will be deducted for any deviations to or omissions from this design. 

The proposal must answer the following questions:

What is the public problem in society that you want to understand?
What is the policy that was developed to deal with this problem? 
What are the questions you want to answer?
What are the steps you will be taking to complete this work?

second part: 

4. Bibliography Assignments 

Then, after your topic has been approved, you will need to complete the bibliography assignment. Your bibliography must consist of a minimum of 10 sources. In this assignment you will list the sources/references you will be using to conduct your problem and policy analyses. The following must be included in your analysis of the bibliographic references:

1.  All references must be listed in APA style format
2.  Indicate if the source is considered scholarly or popular
3.  Tell me how you evaluated the source’s credibility
4.  Indicate who the audience of the information is 
5.  Discuss why you included this source and the purpose of the information provided 

Third part:

5. Problem Development Exercise
Problem development and resolution is a central part of understanding public policy making. Each student will present a public problem in society using the software Prezi ( The presentation must also be posted in the Blackboard discussion forum to be graded. 

These presentations will be reviewed anonymously by the audience and the reviews will be posted in the Blackboard forum. Participation points will be given to those in the audience. 

Your problem presentation should be 10 minutes with five minutes for questions/discussion. It should include, at a minimum, the answers to the questions listed below.

•    What is the problem in society that is being addressed by this policy?
•    This problem should be relevant to life in the Inland Empire or the southern California region we live in.
•    What are the costs of the problem or policy, (financial, societal, or both)?
•    What is the origin or source to this problem?
•    Is it a problem that can be solved? Without limits or under reasonable/likely conditions?
•    Should it be solved by government or is it better solved through the private or non-profit sectors?
•    Make sure you provide data and indicators to make your case.

523 Words  1 Pages
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