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Explain the role of a manager

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Deliverable Length:  1-2 pages (excluding Title and Reference page)
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Assignment Objectives

Describe the concept of an organization and how it is changed
Explain the role of a manager
Classify the major theories of organizations
Conclude the dimensions of an organization's culture
Describe the techniques of managing change

Assignment Details

In an Internet retailer, you will find a wide range of job functions. Leaders frequently need to adjust their own expectations to meet the reality of the situation. There are times when you might want an outcome much sooner than those whose job it is to perform the work. For this assignment, you must research motivational theories, pick 2 theories, and address the following:

•    Describe each theory, and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each theory.
•    How would you apply each theory to working with a highly creative and complex technology workforce, such as those designing Web sites?
•    Discuss a few motivational tools and techniques that would apply to all employees in any organization.

***Add sources***

                      Pick Two Motivational Theories

•    Maslow’s Hierarchy
•    Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
•    McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
•    Victor Vroom’s Expectancy Model
•    Pygmalion Effect 

Course Textbook Info:

Title: Introduction to Management, Edition 2, Author Editorial Board, Publisher Words of Wisdom, LLC, ISBN #: 9781943926060

Reading Assignment

Editorial Board Chapters 6 and 7

236 Words  1 Pages
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