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Ford Company Capital Budgeting Project

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer 

“Ford Company Capital Budgeting Project”: Mini-case  

You are provided with the following information to determine Ford’s weighted average cost of capital that will be used for capital project calculations.  As a Finance Analyst for Ford, you will calculate and support the development of its weighted average cost of capital and communicate it to the CFO of Ford.  After you have calculated the required data points in the two tables below, provide a brief paper (approximately 300 to 400 words) to the CFO summarizing the weighted average cost of capital you determined for Ford, where they may be risks in the calculation (how the calculation may change over time), how the weighted average cost of capital you calculated should be applied when making cost of capital project decisions, and some scenarios that the CFO should be aware of that may change the weighted average cost of capital at some future point. Your discussion of the scenarios should cover aspects of management, marketing and broader economic factors that may influence the weighted average cost of capital. 

Submit the attached and the short paper together for this assignment.

194 Words  1 Pages
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