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Identify a company in Jacksonville, Florida. Research the company’s supply chain and operations planning process, identify the company’s strategic plan and mission, identify at least three functional area sub-plans (e.g., finance, supply chain operations,

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

Identify a company in Jacksonville, Florida. Research the company’s supply chain and operations planning process, identify the company’s strategic plan and mission, identify at least three functional area sub-plans (e.g., finance, supply chain operations, information technology, marketing, human resources) and answer the following questions in a 2-3 page APA essay format:

1.    What are the company’s core competencies?
2.    How does the company integrate the voice of the customer and the voice of the market into its company strategy?
3.    How do the sub-plans support the corporate strategy?
4.    How does the company create, foster, and maintain important business relationships?

You must use up to 3 sources for references.

119 Words  1 Pages
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