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Keep in mind that it is controversial to try to quantify national culture, so don’t rely only on Hofstede for this paper. Do some additional research and try to find additional information about the cultural aspects of doing business in your country. Then

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Keep in mind that it is controversial to try to quantify national culture, so don’t rely only on Hofstede for this paper. Do some additional research and try to find additional information about the cultural aspects of doing business in your country. Then write a two to three page paper addressing the following issues:

1.Go to the Hofstede webpage and look up the values of individualism, power distance, masculinity, and uncertainty avoidance for both your chosen country and for the United States. What are the main differences between national culture in the U.S. and your chosen country? What implications might these differences have on doing business in your country?

2.What other information besides Hofstede have you been able to find about culture in your country?  How do these aspects of culture impact doing business in your country?

Overall, does the national culture of your country make it easy or difficult to business? What cultural pitfalls might an American company investing in your country face?

in text citations. 12 point font, double space, refernces

188 Words  1 Pages
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