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Training methods and training needs are typically based on position. Technical training tends to be objective and linear while management/leadership training is more subjective in nature and may not follow a linear process. While each method of training i

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 


Training methods and training needs are typically based on position. Technical training tends to be objective and linear while management/leadership training is more subjective in nature and may not follow a linear process. While each method of training is needed; it’s important that you can distinguish between the two methods.


Conduct some research on technical and management training and post your initial response to the following questions, please be sure to reference your research:
1.What are three or four fundamental differences between technical and management training?
2.In what situations would an organization use technical training? 
3.How would an organization evaluate whether the technical training is accomplishing the objectives it was set out to accomplish? 
4.What are some of the best methods for management training? 
5.How does an organization evaluate the effectiveness of its management training program?

I would like at least 2 references for this assignment 

162 Words  1 Pages
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