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Imagine that the CEO of your company (past, present, or future) has asked you to explain the importance of adding more funding to the organization’s talent management program. You have two (2) minutes of her time to convince her that your ideas would add

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

Employee Training and Talent Management"

Go to the Bersin’s Website to read the article titled “Today’s Chief Learning Officer: Tamar Elkeles - A CLO of the Decade”, located at Explain how the role of a Chief Learning Officer (CLO) adds value to the human resources organization. Provide a rationale for your response.
Imagine that the CEO of your company (past, present, or future) has asked you to explain the importance of adding more funding to the organization’s talent management program. You have two (2) minutes of her time to convince her that your ideas would add value. Briefly outline the key points to your strategy.

118 Words  1 Pages
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