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In your own words, you will define and give examples for the five fields of communication, including their differences and similarities. Because the eText does not explain these fields of communication, you will need to research their meanings using other

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

In your own words, you will define and give examples for the five fields of communication, including their differences and similarities. Because the eText does not explain these fields of communication, you will need to research their meanings using other sources, providing descriptions and examples for each of the following communication fields: interpersonal, group, organizational, mass, and cultural communication.


1.Choose your favorite search engine such as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, AltaVista, Cuil, Dogpile, GigaBlast, Excite, ixquick, Mamma, or WebCrawler.

2.Type the name of the communication field in the search box and press Enter.

3.Choose a link with “.org” or “.edu” in the URL.

4.Select and read the linked information.

5.Describe the field of communication in your own words.

6.Create an example.

7.Respond to the definitions and examples of your classmates. Can you add to the definition?

154 Words  1 Pages
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