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. What is the primary reason Professional Sports Partners won the NCAA’s business, and what is one of the key ways the NCAA judges the success of an event in a city?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

1. What is the primary reason Professional Sports Partners won the NCAA’s business, and what is one of the key ways the NCAA judges the success of an event in a city?

2. What are some of the reasons the Golden State Warriors’ value increased nearly fourfold in just over six years?

3. What are the areas of separation we see in the early virtual reality market, and why is the virtual reality space not considered to be competitive yet?

4. According to a panel of virtual reality executives, what are some of the main challenges facing virtual reality? 

5. How many of the WNBA’s original teams still remain? What were some of the league’s original sponsors?

6. According to sports lawyer Ian Smith, what are the four most serious corruption problems in e-sports, and who has signed on to join his new e-sports industry association?

7. What is the Play Ball initiative, and how will Little League leverage Major League Baseball’s activities for Play Ball Weekend?

8. How many WNBA balls did Spalding sell around the league’s first season, and what was the original WNBA logo?

9. What type of investment has Axalta seen from NASCAR and what type of opportunity do they see in their recent Daytona deal?

10. What will be some of the job responsibilities for Sarah Wilhelmi in her new role at Team USA, and why was it so critical this job be created now?

259 Words  1 Pages
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