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250 miles away from the city, is a small village with 45,000 population. The main sources of employment in this village comes from job opportunities at the university and one established company.

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250 miles away from the city, is a small village with 45,000 population. The main sources of employment in this village comes from job opportunities at the university and one established company.

The Scenario:

A married couple both are employed in the company. The wife of which works at the accounting department looks at all the company's financial statements and overall financial position. On the other hand, her husband works as part of the company's hiring committee of which looks after recruitments. The chairman of the company's hiring committee has asked for the recruitment of an engineer that has the knowledge and experience to look after the "3D Technology" for the company. 
After headhunting, the husband managed to find 2 candidates for the position. He has picked a candidate with 5 years of engineering experience, who have asked for a high salary given his expertise. After agreeing to the salary offer, the wife disclosed to her husband that from a financial point of view, the company will go bankrupt after a year. 

The dilemma:
Should the chairman disclose to the new engineer the company's financial position, or remain silent and not disclose any information?

204 Words  1 Pages
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