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New Zealand Defence Force subscribes to three levels of military operations. Describe the relationship between the three levels

Questions We Can Help You To Answer
1. The New Zealand Defence Force subscribes to three levels of military operations. Describe the relationship between the three levels.
2. According to Jordan et al, “the use of military force can be divided into six categories: defence, deterrence, compellence, posturing, offence, and miscellaneous.” Select two categories and using examples from a conflict or conflicts, describe how they were achieved.
3.  Describe the relationships between policy 'ends', strategic 'ways' and military 'means' in the New Zealand context.
4. What will be some of the major challenges for military operations over the next ten years?
Referencing.  You are expected to provide proper attribution for all direct quotations and for any information that is summarised or paraphrased from published material that you include in your essay.  You may use either APA  style.  You will be penalised for mixing styles.  You will include at least 6 documents (books, journal articles, etc.) in the Bibliography or List of References

164 Words  1 Pages
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