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Choose a product or service that is made in the United States that you wish to export. Name the product/service.


Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

Module 3:  Assessing Global Market Opportunities - Upon successful completion of this module – “Module 3:  Assessing Global Market Opportunities”, you should be able to do the following on an assignment/paper:
1.  Discuss the three different ways of improving translations from English into a foreign language.
2.  Discuss the growing importance of trading associations among American nations.
3.  Discuss the evolution of the European Union.
4.  Discuss the dynamic growth of the Asian Region. 


This section is on "Part Three" in your textbook.  It covers chapters 8 through 11, pages 224 through 337. These readings must be done over a period of three weeks. As usual, you need to pace yourself.  

(Graded assignment - assignment #3 - to be completed within this module:  20 points)

You are required to complete this assignment at the end of Module 3.  Because the objective of the class is to equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to write an effective Export Marketing Plan by the end of the course, this assignment is intended to get you to start thinking seriously about your “Plan.”

Assignment # 3:

1.    1. Choose a product or service that is made in the United States that you wish to export.  Name the product/service.  2. Choose a country that you plan to export to.  Name the country.  Then, list and discuss in detail 5 things/issues that will be pivotal in the implementation and success of your export/export plan.  No more than 500 words  (double-spaced) excluding references. Your sentences should be complete and grammatically correct.  It is important that you think very carefully before you choose a product/service and a country because these are what you will be writing your marketing plan on at the end of the semester.  You will not be allowed to change your choices later.

311 Words  1 Pages
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