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Students will identify, research, write, and reflect upon critical management topics, as well as identifying areas of personal importance to you as a manager. Students will pick one critical topic from the readings for each assignment. Students will for

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

Assignments: Critical Thinking & Application Papers: 
Students will identify, research, write, and reflect upon critical management topics, as well as identifying areas of personal importance to you as a manager.  Students will pick one critical topic from the readings for each assignment.  Students will formulate and articulate coherent stances, determine how these stances can be translated into practice, indicate ways to evaluate effective practice, and set goals with action plans for improvement in each area.

1 page single spaced- not ½ page, not 1 ½ pages

Take the time to write a thoughtful and concise paper for each class.

In other worlds-
1. Describe how topics and cases make sense to you.
2. Apply the topic to your own experiences.
3. Set a goal for your skill development in the topic area.  
The grade assigned to each assignment will reflect your degree of reflection and thoughtfulness and how you have been able to apply it to your life.  

1- It will be about chapter 8, Approaches to Employee Development
2- you will write clear two goals at least which you will improve by using the experience as a manager with electricity company. you will explain how they were and how they will be in next two years and how you measure the progressive.
3- you will use one more reference beside the book 

232 Words  1 Pages
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