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While the political debate over global warming continues, top executives at many of the nation's largest energy companies have accepted the scientific consensus about climate change and see federal regulation to cut greenhouse gas emissions as inevitable

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"While the political debate over global warming continues, top executives at many of the nation's largest energy companies have accepted the scientific consensus about climate change and see federal regulation to cut greenhouse gas emissions as inevitable." Thus began a November 2006 Washington Post article. Further on, it quotes John Hofmeister, then president of Shell Oil U.S., from a speech at the National Press Club. "We have to deal with greenhouse gases. "From Shell's point of view, the debate is over. When 98 percent of scientists agree, who is Shell to say, 'Let's debate the science'?” I heard his talk on C-SPAN. Many people came away impressed with his candor and humility. The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), which publishes the journal Science, produced the video, “Beyond Certainty,” below.

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167 Words  1 Pages
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