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Improving Readability with Style and Design (Writing)

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Please read the attached document named Sabrina’s message. Rewrite a total of twelve sentences out of the thirty-one from Sabrina’s message to improve writing style on a sentence level. For each sentence you revise, identify the sentence number and the type/s of changes you made (some sentences require several types of changes). At a minimum, make at least three of the following types of changes:
-    Changing I-voice to you-voice.
-    Changing passive verbs to active verbs.
-    Converting nouns or be verbs to action verbs.
-    Removing it is/there are statements.

See sentence number (20) “We offer three membership levels”.
See below the example on how you are rewriting the sentence.

(20) you may choose from three membership levels. (Changing I-voice to you-voice)

Please remember to make at least three of the following types of changes:
-    Changing I-voice to you-voice.
-    Changing passive verbs to active verbs.
-    Converting nouns or be verbs to action verbs.
-    Removing it is/there are statements.

Rewrite the message. While retaining all the essential content from the original message, rewrite the message to make it more concise and effective. In addition to sentence-level changes, consider combining some sentences, adding formatting to make the message easier to read, and using a table.

223 Words  1 Pages
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