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Describe and Explain INTERNET

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

ANSWER FOLLWING QUESTIONS IN SHORT RESPONSE. 1) Describe and Explain ASCII? 2) Describe and Explain INTERNET? 3) Describe and Explain WORLD WIDE WEB? 4) Describe and Explain HTTP? 5) Describe and Explain BITS? 6) Describe and Explain BYTES? 7) Describe and Explain MODEM? 8) Describe and Explain RAM? 9) Describe and Explain ROM? 10) Describe and Explain CPU? 11) Describe and Explain TCP/IP? 12) Describe and Explain WANS and LANS? 13) Describe and Explain THE ETHERNET? 14) Describe and Explain DNS? 15) Describe and Explain URL? 16) Describe and Explain HTML? 17) Describe and Explain BROWSER? 18) Describe and Explain COMPILER? 19) Describe and Explain OPERATING SYSTEM? 20) Describe and Explain SERVER? 21) Describe and Explain DATA? 22) Describe and Explain INFORMATION? 23) Describe and Explain STORAGE? 24) Describe and Explain SYNTAX CHECKING? 25) Describe and Explain INTRANET? 26) Describe and Explain ASSEMBLY? 27) Describe and Explain CYBERETHICS? 28) Describe and Explain ECOMMERCE? 29) Describe and Explain MIS? 30) Describe and Explain EXTRANET?

172 Words  1 Pages
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