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You started to expand your business a few months ago, based on the franchise system. During the initial stage of the expansion, you didn’t realise the importance of systematised strategies for a franchise system to become successful. Now, you are very kee

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

You started to expand your business a few months ago, based on the franchise system. During the initial stage of the expansion, you didn’t realise the importance of systematised strategies for a franchise system to become successful. Now, you are very keen to focus on developing some effective strategies. Prepare a report on your franchising system, addressing the franchise relationship, social responsibility, legal matters and the future of this franchising system. In your report discuss the following areas from the standpoint of a franchisor: strategies for negotiation, innovation and emotional turbulence the possible social responsibilities involved in your franchise system the franchisor and franchisee’s obligations and dispute resolution strategies the future of your franchise system (e.g. information technology, stock control or green franchising etc.) Justify your arguments by making references to relevant franchising theories. Assessment requirements Report requirements The required word length for this report is 3000 words (plus or minus 10%). In terms of structure, presentation, and style you are normally required to use: AIB standard report format AIB preferred Microsoft Word settings author-date style referencing (which includes in-text citations plus a reference list). These requirements are detailed in the AIB Style Guide. Reference lists for AIB written assessments normally contain relevant references from different sources. In terms of the number of references, your assignment should have 6–12 credible academic references. All academic references must be from credible sources such as a textbook, reference book or journal article. Your grade will be adversely affected if your written assessment contains no/poor citations and/or reference list and if your written assessment word length is beyond the allowed tolerance level (see Assessment Policy available on AIB website). Grading criteria Your assignment will be marked according to the criteria outlined in the assessment grading criteria (see Appendix 2 of the subject outline).

310 Words  1 Pages
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