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Leadership Biases and Emotional Influences in Decision Making

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Part 1 

Emotions, mood, and organizational culture can make a positive or negative experience for employees and cause problems for leaders.

Imagine a manager arriving at work each day with a very emotional or moody disposition. How would you handle someone who has an uneven personality and brings a negative air and context to the workplace and organization? How might this impact organizational effectiveness? Support your answer with research.
Practical Application: Describe your experiences with someone who is moody and who has responsibilities of decision making for an organization. What impact does this have on his or her directives for the organization? If you have no such experiences, try interviewing a friend or family member about their experiences. Alternately, you may research an organization or leader. If you choose this option, you must support your findings with credible reports or articles.

Part 2

Type up two random questions related to this topic.  This is to assist in engaging the discussion. 

Add references.

173 Words  1 Pages
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