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Managing Diversity and Inclusion at Work

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Critically evaluate the case that the rise of diversity and inclusion policies in organisations has assisted a
broad and diverse group of men and women workers to access all positions equally in organizations. Provide a personal reflection on why you have arrived at your conclusion by drawing on Bain et. al.
l Assessment Criteria
1. Demonstration of mastery of relevant knowledge
2. Comprehension of the core issues of the chosen aspect/s of D&I
3. Application of relevant theories, concepts and examples in insightful ways
4. Rigor in analysing the selected area/s of D and I policies chosen and ability to establish links with core
5. Synthesis of major arguments and perspectives
6. Evaluation of the D&I facet examined and key concepts
7. Clarity of written communication (full sentences and paragraphs), and demonstration of fluency in
English(spelling, punctuation and grammar)
8. Quality of argument with clear structure, and a disciplined and cohesive narrative
9. Evidence of ethical and social awareness/responsibility
10.Evidence of depth and breadth of

178 Words  1 Pages
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