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Explain what role ethics plays in communications

Topic and Questions We Can Help You To Answer
Paper Instructions:
* Explain what role ethics plays in communications.
* Summarize three or more of the ethical decision-making models presented in the introduction of Media Ethics. The models presented include the following:
* 1A: Aristotle's Mean
* 1B: Confucius's Golden Mean
* 2A: Kant's Categorical Imperative
* 2B: Islam's Divine Commands
* 3: Mill's Principle of Utility
* 4: Rawls's Veil of Ignorance
* 5A: Judeo-Christian Persons as Ends

* Identify one of the models you summarized and explain why you think it is better than the other two. You may want to define what you mean by better; for example, a better model might be one of the following:
* One that is easiest for a majority of people to follow
* One that you think most often leads to morally sound decisions
* One that is most capable of handling tough moral dilemmas
* One that allows you, personally, to make effective moral decisions

* Describe a communications-related ethical problem and explain how you would apply your preferred model to address it. To strengthen your argument, you may wish to treat this portion of your paper as additional evidence for why your preferred model is better than the other two. If you can show how your preferred model leads to a better ethical decision for this particular problem, you will have made a stronger case for why it is better.

243 Words  1 Pages
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