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how literacy benefits the individual and society

Topic and Questions We Can Help You To Answer
Paper Instructions:

how literacy benefits the individual and society

Remember, however, that you are discouraged from engaging in binary thinking.  A thesis that only speaks to “valuable” or “not valuable” will not be sufficient to answer this prompt.  You must consider more complex questions: What is the value?  What aspects of it are valuable and which are not?  Is literacy still important?  What kinds of literacy?  Whatever you believe, you need to “prove it.”

In order to “prove it,” you need to use evidence and examples taken from the provided texts.  Use at least 3 different sources from the articles provided to support your claims.  If you find and want to include additional research, you may, but you do not need to. You can also use personal experience but do not over-rely on it.

145 Words  1 Pages
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