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Vows of Jainism

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The systems of Buddhism and the Vows of Jainism.

Please respond to the following:

Having grown up in wealth and then living a life of extreme asceticism, The Buddha found no peace. He arrived at a Middle Way and for his Dharma he proposed the 4 Noble Truths and the 8-Fold Path. (pp. 142-148). This would break the samsara cycle and produce nirvana. The challenge is putting The Buddha’s Dharma into action.

Main discussion questions for the week:

Theravada Buddhism is about mindfulness and meditation. Mahayana Buddhism is about compassion guided by wisdom.

Discuss how either Theravada or Mahayana Buddhism can apply the principles of the 8-Fold Path to daily living. 
Which system would you choose to live by? Why?

131 Words  1 Pages
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