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the Effects of video games on young children

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Paper Instructions:

the Effects of video games on young children

Review Essay*: You will write an essay that reviews secondary sources on a historical event of debate and/or controversy. Your topic must relate to imperialism and nationalism in modern Asia. Please include a bibliography. Limit: 2000 words for essay, no word limit on bibliography. *Write a review of sources on one of the following topics OR have your independent topic approved by your tutorial leader: Comfort women of WWII, China’s one-child policy, the partitioning of India, the dispute over Kashmir, ethnic conflict and civil wars in Asian countries (including the Chinese civil war, Korean War, Vietnam War, Civil War in Sri Lanka, Sikh Separatism, Pakistani Civil War), economic development of East Asian countries (Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan), the 1997 Asian Economic Crisis.

19 Words  1 Pages
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