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For this assignment, you will need to identify a topic that is trending on social media. It can be anything of your choice - a brand you follow, a news story, a celebrity or anything else trending in social media. Compare and contrast how different socia

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

For this assignment, you will need to identify a topic that is trending on social media. It can be anything of your choice - a brand you follow, a news story, a celebrity or anything else trending in social media.  Compare and contrast how different social media outlets are promoting your trend.  Consider the following and prepare a written analysis of 1 - 2 pages.  
•    Are the messages comparable across multiple social media outlets?
•    Are different outlets promoting different aspects of your trend?
•    If you didn't know anything about the topic prior, would you be able to gain adequate knowledge just by looking at a few social media platforms?
•    Is the social media engaging (are the posts being shared, liked and/or commented on)?  
•    If you had to prepare a content strategy for this trend or topic, what would some other messages be?

158 Words  1 Pages
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