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Fat Burner,Weight loss,Detox reducing feeling hungry. Also improves mental performance, increase physical performance helps burn fats instead of carbs. The keto helps reduce bloating and boost metabolism

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

“The responses must have LOTS OF EXPLANATION AND DETAIL. Thoroughly respond to
all aspects of the questions so that it's clear so that all of your views have been thoroughly provided. Elaborate more, add more information, and write in complete sentence form, using correct grammar, make sure to proofread, support your position, check the punctuations in the paragraph response and fully explain answers” AND NO PLAGARISM 

PHI 210 Response to peer 5

Apple Cider Vinger +keto
1. Fat Burner,Weight loss,Detox reducing feeling hungry. Also improves mental performance, increase physical performance helps burn fats instead of carbs. The keto helps reduce bloating and boost metabolism
2. The site explains what each ingredient in this pill does and how it helps. It explain what herbs means and where it comes from 
3. They have customers who have bought the product that has shared their before and after story show the results of the product.
4. Most of them are beginners who have just decided to take the medicine and have little knowledge on what the result will be.

5. No they wasn't paid to provide endorsements.
6. Same side effects that are provided for this product is some people didn't loss weight and metabolism stayed the same.

"Identifying Truth or Fiction"
The video clip, “The Baloney Detection Kit,” this week discusses the ways an effective critical thinker assesses claims made by others.
Examine some key reasons why people might seem attracted to pseudoscience-type claims.
Describe at least two (2) such claims that you have heard people make and analyze the main reasons why such claims do or do not meet rigorous scientific methodology standards.
Determine at least two (2) ways in which the material discussed this week has changed your own thinking.

"Problem Solving Interview Question"
Imagine you are interviewing for a job you really want.
From a personal standpoint, I have been in human resources for over 38 years.  Primarily my role was upper-level management, but I would at various times, interview new candidates for the final interview to make a decision on the best candidate for the position.
If I was interviewing you and I asked you the following question, how would you respond to this question?
“Tell me about a recent work experience when you made a key decision or resolved an important problem?  Tell me how you reasoned it through from start to finish.”
Then, check out one of your classmate’s response to the question. Suppose you are a job coach, what suggestions would you make to maximize your classmate’s answer to the interview question?

PHI 210 Bonus – 
This week will require intensive reading and getting to meat of the matter. . . credibility of sources.  You have 2 choices to choose from determining the credibility of the argument. Only determine the credibility of one and explain your answer.
#1 During my years in family court, I have seen a dramatic deterioration in the lives of adults and children. At the same time, there has been a dramatic increase in expensive public programs. We are spending a fortune and the result is failure. The recipients of these monies are in the same or worse shape than before, and the consequences are all around us: more and meaner delinquents, more unwanted children, more abused children, more dysfunctional adults, more teenage pregnancies. By shifting the emphasis from individual responsibility to government responsibility, we have infantilized an entire population. Giving criminal aliens any type of legitimate status or legal benefits (jobs) is amnesty. Bottom line: Now is NOT the time to even mention a program like this. It will only encourage a rush of new criminal aliens hoping to take advantage of this “program.”.

What is very frustrating for me is that the ag business won’t stop fighting for this idea. Economic freedom is a republican principle but instead of fighting for economic freedom in terms of reduced regulation, relaxed child labor laws, and a reduced minimum wage the farmer (and many Republicans) would prefer to fight for access to foreign citizens.
They would rather that money earned in this country be sent to Mexico. They would rather that our culture be diluted. They would rather that we continue to put more and more Spanish translations on everything. . . .Don’t tell me about “jobs that Americans won’t do” either. I’ll drive my kids to the fields in the morning and guess what, they don’t speak Spanish! They also don’t send 50% of their wages to another country and they
don’t rape 12-year-old girls. (Don’t ask me for the stats you idiot, just read my archives) . . .

(Daniel Sherwood, “Daniel’s Political Musings,” excerpts from his blog entries of February 2 and 3, 2006, at


#2 During my years in family court, I have seen a dramatic deterioration in the lives of adults and children. At the same time, there has been a dramatic increase in expensive public programs. We are spending a fortune and the result is failure. The recipients of these monies are in the same or worse shape than before, and the consequences are all around us: more and meaner delinquents, more unwanted children, more abused children, more dysfunctional adults, more teenage pregnancies. By shifting the emphasis from individual responsibility to government responsibility, we have infantilized an entire population.


(Judge Judy aka Judy Shendlin, Don’t Pee on My Leg and Tell Me It’s Raining, 1997)

BUS 302 Response to peer 5
Part 1: Post a Response
Many business leaders believe that engaging in global business provides opportunities to expand and stay competitive. Go to “SEC Enforcement Actions: FCPA Cases” found at and read either the “SEC Charges Stryker A Second Time for FCPA Violations” or “Legg Mason Charged With Violating the FCPA” press release. Once you have chosen your case, provide a brief description of the case. Next, discuss two (2) strategies the company could have used to avoid the situation.
Part 2: Respond to a Peer 
Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections

Part 1: Post a Response
Discuss an organizational leader that has had the most positive influence in your life, and why. Next, explain how this leader approached one (1) of the following:
•    Listening
•    Building rapport
•    Motivation
Part 2: Respond to a Peer 
Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.

Part 1: Post a Response
Watch the video titled “Mark Zuckerberg on Team Dynamics” located at and then express whether or not you agree with Mark Zuckerberg’s opinion on managing team dynamics. Next, explain whether or not you believe the team dynamics Mark Zuckerberg experienced are unique to only Millennials (Generation Y) or to teams working in the technology field.
Part 2: Respond to a Peer 
Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.

1219 Words  4 Pages
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