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Issues Facing the International Community Essay

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

First, choose one (1) of the essays from the “Issues Facing the International Community” listed in the “Supplemental Readings” section of the course lessons. Then, let the reader know why you chose this particular essay. Does this essay discuss an issue that is facing you currently? Next, discuss whether or not your essay is peer-reviewed. How do you know? State the claim of the essay. Then, discuss how the author proves this claim. Is the author using the Toulmin method? Use complete sentences, give citations to back up your points, and create a final works cited citation for this essay. 

Ahmed, Leila. "Veil of Ignorance"
Caldeira, Ken. "The Great Climate Experiment"
Colin, Nicholas and Bruno Palier. "The Next Safety Net: Social Policy for a Digital Age" Jenkins, Mark. "The Healing Fields"
Haass, Richard N. "Where To Go From Here"

150 Words  1 Pages
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