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Data analyzation on Puma annual reports and SEC filings

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Write a 1200­ - 1500 ­word paper in which you analyze the data in the annual reports and SEC filings. 
Address the following:

Assess the role of ethics and compliance in your organization's financial environment.
Describe procedures your organization has in place to ensure ethical behavior.
Explain how financial markets work in the United States.
Identify processes the organization uses to comply with SEC regulations.
Evaluate your organization's financial performance during the past 2 years, using financial ratios. Calculate the ratios for each year:
Quick/Acid Test
Return on equity 
Days receivable 
Inventory Turnover
Method of Evaluation 
Discuss the trend or baseline of each ratio and what it demonstrates about the organization's financial health.

126 Words  1 Pages
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