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During 1980’s, the labor force of US was 80% manufacturing operations and 20% service operations, but now after 40 years, the scenario had been inverted: 20% Manufacturing, and 80% Services.

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Paper Instructions:

During 1980’s, the labor force of US was 80% manufacturing operations and 20% service operations, but now after 40 years, the scenario had been inverted: 20% Manufacturing, and 80% Services. We can blame the outsourcing and other factors; then, the assignment is to propose and explain (one by one) 10 concrete actions (guidelines) to the US Federal Government in order to recover its manufacturing capacity?
Second part- Include related "recent data files" about the topic This 2nd part may appear at the end of your report as Appendix Data, or as another attached file named

106 Words  1 Pages
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