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During the course you will be developing a training session using the 5 Phase Training Process Model.

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Paper Instructions:

During the course you will be developing a training session using the 5 Phase Training Process Model.

The 5 Phases of the Training Processes Model process begins when actual operational performance (AOP) is less than expected operational performance (EOP). This is also called a triggering event. 

Identify a triggering event to start the 5 Phases of the Training Process Model for your training session.  Write a paper that describes:

The organization where the event is taking place. Is it a restaurant, a bank, a manufacture, a retail store?
What is the expected performance (EOP)?
What was the actual performance (AOP)?
This document should be at least two pages long with the AOP and EOP clearly defined. Use either the MLA format style when writing this paper.

137 Words  1 Pages
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