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The student will analyze current use of technology and provide recommendations for improvement.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

******Technology to analyze : Weather Radar******
Learning Objective

The student will analyze current use of technology and provide recommendations for improvement.  


Each student will complete an analysis and critique for a technology component being used within a public safety, emergency management, or business continuity setting. Using a word processor, students will develop a 1500 double space word document with 1-inch margins. The analysis will include the following headers:

- Introduction to the Organization
- Overview of Technology
- Organization’s use of Technology
- Effectiveness
- Recommendations
- Selection Criteria and Sign-up

Grading Rubric

2 points for completing the sign-up by January 28th
4 points for sentence structure, grammar, and detail
6 points for agency background and discussion on their use of the selected technology
6 points for evaluation of use / effectiveness, including recommendations for improvement

It is recommended that students conduct web-based background research on the selected technology and become familiar at a basic level prior to engaging the agency.

***Please add Some Emergency management terms ***

180 Words  1 Pages
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