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'Kimball's Restaurant' case study

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Read the 'Kimball's Restaurant' case study at the start of the chapter.  After reading the case study answer the following questions in at least 250 words (not including references). Be sure to integrate elements of the SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) into your reply.

In terms of the point-of-sale and other organizational data, what recommendations would you give to safeguard their data? Should they consider other alternatives if one of their server stations should malfunction?

The POS system requires the server to log in to the workstation. What advice on password safety would you suggest? What other elements of POS security should be pointed out?

Your original response should follow APA formatting, include relevant examples of from the textbook, and at least one journal article.

138 Words  1 Pages
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